Sex-specific EEG differences with open versus closed eyes were studied by m
eans of spectral analysis in two groups each of 15 females and mates. Betwe
en 0.5 and 25.0 Hz the EEG was divided into ten frequency bands. For each o
f them, the following parameters: amplitude at the 19 recording positions,
and coherence between all possible electrode combinations, were computed fo
r periods of 2 min. Here are the main results:
1. With opened eyes coherence in theta, alpha and beta decreases frontally
in both genders; in the posterior regions it increases in males in particul
ar in alpha1 (8.0-10.0 Nz) and beta3 (18.0-20.0 Hz), which is interpreted a
s a sex-specific difference in visual information processing. The observed
frequencies in changes of amplitude;and coherence in women and men are tabu
2. Delta1 (0.5-2.5 Hz) shows differences in coherence and indicates increas
ed interhemispheric co-operation with open eyes, more distinctly in males t
han in females. A possible metabolic reason for this is discussed.