Although freshwater insects are known to accumulate trace metals in the lab
oratory from both water and food, the relative importance of metal sources
for these animals, as well as the rate at which they take up and eliminate
their metal, has not been measured in nature. We describe a novel in situ a
pproach that allowed us to determine that trophic transfer is the main sour
ce of cadmium for larvae of a common lake-dwelling animal, the phantom midg
e Chaoborus punctipennis. We transferred C. punctipennis larvae from a low-
cadmium to a high-cadmium lake, where they were exposed in 64-mu m-mesh mes
ocosms to the prevailing high-Cd concentrations in water and to various qua
ntities of prey collected from the Cd-rich lake. Our experimental design en
sured exposure of C. punctipennis larvae to realistic Cd concentrations in
water and in a natural mixture of prey types. Our results indicate that lar
vae take up their Cd mainly from prey. Thus models of metal dynamics and ef
fects on these invertebrates are likely to be more realistic if they includ
e food as a metal source. Using the same mesh mesocosm design, we also dete
rmined that C. punctipennis larvae transferred from a high-Cd to a low-Cd l
ake lost their Cd slowly. Combining our information on Cd uptake and loss f
rom C. punctipennis allowed us to model Cd exchange between this insect and
its surroundings.