We report brain MRI findings in four patients with typical Kearns-Sayre syn
drome (KSS) and correlate them with clinical manifestations. MRI was interp
reted as normal in two patients; cerebral and cerebellar atrophy was seen i
n the other two. On T2-weighted spin-echo images, two patients had high-sig
nal lesions bilaterally in subcortical white matter, thalamus and brain ste
m. In one patient, the white matter lesion extended into the deep cerebral
white matter and the cerebellum was also affected. The other also had bilat
eral high-signal lesions in the globus pallidus. There was little correlati
on between neurological deficits and MRI findings. A review of the literatu
re revealed that 10 of the 13 patients with typical KSS previously studied
had bilateral subcortical white-matter lesions on T2-weighted images; at le
ast 7 also had high-signal lesions in the brain stem, globus pallidus, thal
amus or cerebellum. Although MRI may be normal or show atrophy, the charact
eristic finding in KSS is a combination of the high-signal foci in subcorti
cal cerebral white matter and in the brain stem, globus pallidus or thalamu