An injection-type downflow UV/O-3 oxidation reactor (IDUOR) was developed m
ainly with the combination of a configuration of two concentric cylinders w
ith the UV lamp in the bottom axial position and a downflow mixing gas-liqu
id injector. This configuration leads to atomizing of the solution resultin
g in higher levels of dissolved ozone which is then illuminated by UV light
to generate hydroxyl radicals. Four different toxic wastewaters including
4-chlorophenol, carbofuran, dye-auxiliaries and pesticide wastewater with a
COD range of 164 to 1602 mg/L and a microtoxicity (EC50) range of 3.008% t
o 19.062% were used to investigate the performance of the device. It was fo
und that the ozone utilization efficiency attained was more than 75% with v
ery satisfying COD and TOC reduction for wastewater treated with IDUOR. The
IDUOR when compared to a conventional stirred bubble UV/O-3 reactor exhibi
ted increased efficiency for ozone utilization and GOD, TOC, microtoxicity
reduction. Also, the pseudo-first rate constants on the basis of COD and TO
C reduction indicated much higher oxidation rate of organics in IDUOR, prov
iding additional evidence of the considerable treatment potency of IDUOR fo
r destruction of toxic organics in water.