The surface phonons along the high symmetry <(Gamma)over bar>(J) over bar a
nd <(Gamma)over bar>(J) over bar' directions of the Si(001)(2 X 1) surface
have been investigated by using high-resolution electron energy loss spectr
oscopy. Losses are observed at 12, 20, 30, 33, 49, 59, and 64 meV for the <
(Gamma)over bar> point, which are associated with the motions of the surfac
e Si dimers. In particular, the 20- and 64-meV losses are assigned as the d
imer-rocking (related with dimer buckling) and dimer-bond stretching modes,
respectively The dimer-rocking mode shows an upward dispersion near the <(
Gamma)over bar> point and characteristic flat dispersion near the (J) over
bar' point. The dimer-bond stretching mode is dispersionless near the <(Gam
ma)over bar> point. The Rayleigh phonons are observed at 8 and 13 meV for t
he (J) over bar and (J) over bar' points, respectively, which are nearly in
resonance with the projected density of states of bulk phonons. The presen
t results are in reasonable agreement with the recent lattice dynamical cal
culations. [S0163-1829(99)00339-2].