Radioimmunoassays (RIAs) combined with liquid chromatography were used for
study of isoflavonoids in seeds of pea Pisum sativum and mung bean Vigna ra
diata. Radioimmunoassays with these specifities were used: (I) daidzein and
its 4'-derivatives (e.g. formononetin); (2) daidzein and its 7-derivatives
(e.g. daidzin, isoformononetin); (3) genistein and its 4'-derivatives (e.g
. biochanin A); and (4) genistein and its 7-derivatives (e.g. genistin, pru
netin). Dormant or germinating seeds were extracted with 80% ethanol. Immun
oreactivities were measured either in crude extracts or after chromatograph
ic fractionation by HPLC (reversed phase, octadecylsilica). Chromatographic
mobilities of immunoreactive fractions were compared to those of daidzein,
daidzin, formononetin, isoformononetin, genistein, genistin biochanin A an
d prunetin standards. Extracts from Vigna radinfa contained daidzein, genis
tein and their 7-0 glucosides, daidzin and genistin, respectively. No immun
oreactivity was recorded in HPLC fractions corresponding to glycosides in e
xtracts from P. sativum, but the methods sensitive to 7-derivatives of daid
zein and genistein showed peaks with chromatographic mobilities identical t
o those of the 7-methoxyderivatives, isoformononetin and prunetin, respecti
vely. In additional experiments, the pea extracts were fractionated either
by thin layer chromatography (TLC) on silica or by ion-exchange TLC on amin
osilica. Identity of the daidzein-7 and genistein-7 immunoreactive entities
with isoformononetin and prunetin, respectively, was confirmed by the iden
tical chromatographic behavior in all these different chromatographic syste
ms. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. AII rights reserved.