Low Z elements, like C, O,... Al are difficult to measure, due to the lack
of suitable low-energy photons for efficient excitation using standard X-ra
y tubes, as well as difficult to detect with an energy dispersive detector,
if the entrance window is not thin enough. Special excitation sources and
special energy dispersive detectors are required to increase the sensitivit
y and to increase the detected fluorescence signal and so to improve the de
tection limits. Synchrotron radiation, due to its features like high intens
ity and wide spectral range covering also the low-energy region, is the ide
al source for TXRF, especially of low-Z elements. Experiments at a specific
beamline (BL 3-4) at SSRL, Stanford, designed for the exclusive use of low
-energy photons has been used as an excitation source. Detection limits < 1
00 fg for Al, Mg and Na have been achieved using quasimonochromatic radiati
on of 1.7 keV. A Ge(HP) detector with an ultra-thin NORWAR entrance window
is used. One application is the determination of low-Z surface contaminatio
n on Si-wafers. Sodium, as well as Al, are elements of interest for the sem
iconductor industry, both influencing the yield of ICs negatively. A detect
ion capacity of 10(10) atoms/cm(2) is required which can be reached using s
ynchrotron radiation as excitation source. Another promising application is
the determination of low-Z atoms implanted in Si wafers. Sodium, Mg and Al
were implanted in Si-wafers at various depths. From measuring the dependen
ce of the fluorescence signal on the glancing angle, characteristic shapes
corresponding to the depth profile and the relevant implantation depth are
found. Calculations are compared with measurements. Finally, aerosols sampl
ed on polycarbonate plates in a Battelle impactor were analyzed with LZ-TXR
F using multilayer monochromatized Cr-K alpha radiation from a 1300-W fine-
focus tube for excitation. Results are presented. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science
B.V. All rights reserved.