AIM: Genotoxicity evaluations of several different chemicals including L-4-
oxalysine, 10-Hydroxycamptothecin (HCT), 19-norprogesteron( ST1435), dimeth
yl sulfoxide (Me2SO), bleomycin (BLM), and mitomycin C (MMC). METHODS: Alka
line comet assay in vitro (single cell gel) (SCG). RESULTS: L-4-oxalysine a
nd HCT did not cause directly DNA damage. ST1435, the subdermal implant pro
gestin, had no effect on DNA damage until the dose level up to 4 mmol.L-1.
Me2SO did not increase DNA damage at concentration below 2 %, but showed a
concentration-dependent DNA damage at greater than or equal to 4 %. Bleomyc
in and mitomycin C demonstrated a strong dose-dependent DNA damage. CONCLUS
ION: Comet assay as a tool to test the genotoxicity of suspected chemicals,
is rapid, simple, sensitive, good reproducible, and inexpensive.