Atrial fibrillation (AF) has been the subject of considerable attention and
intensive clinical research in recent years. Current opinion among physici
ans on the management of AF favors the restoration and maintenance of norma
l sinus rhythm. This has several potential benefits, including the alleviat
ion of arrhythmia-associated symptoms, hemodynamic improvements, and possib
ly a reduced risk of thromboembolic events. After normal sinus rhythm has b
een restored, antiarrhythmic therapy is necessary to reduce the frequency o
f AF recurrence, in the selection of an antiarrhythmic agent, both efficacy
and safety should be taken into consideration. Many antiarrhythmic agents
have the capacity to provoke proarrhythmia, which may result in an increase
in mortality. This is of particular concern with sodium-channel blockers i
n the context of patients with structural heart disease. Flecainide and pro
pafenone are well tolerated and effective in maintaining sinus rhythm in pa
tients without significant cardiac disease but with AF. Recent interest has
focused on the use of class III antiarrhythmic agents, such as amiodarone,
sotalol, dofetilide (recently of AF and atrial flutter), and azimilide (st
ill to be approved) in patients with AF and structural heart disease. To da
te, amiodarone and sotalol still hold the greatest interest, and although c
ontrolled clinical trials with these agents have been few,a number are in p
rogress and some have been recently completed. These agents are effective i
n maintaining normal sinus rhythm in patients with paroxysmal and persisten
t AF and are associated with a low incidence of proarrhythmia when used app
ropriately. Because of the relative paucity of placebo-controlled trials of
antiarrhythmic agents in patients with AF, experience until recently has t
ended to dictate treatment decisions. Increasingly, selection of drug thera
py is being based on a careful and individualized benefit-risk evaluation b
y means of controlled clinical trials, an approach that is likely to domina
te the overall approach to the control of atrial fibrillation in the larges
t numbers of cases of the arrhythmia. Pharmacologic therapy is likely to be
dominated by compounds that exert their predominant effect by prolonging a
trial repolarization, (C)1999 by Excerpta Medica, Inc.