The hormonal milieu at time of tumor surgery seems to have a significant im
pact on survival in premenopausal breast cancer patients. Indeed, surgery p
erformed during the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle was suggested t
o correlate with a poor prognosis, To investigate the relationship between
prognosis and menstrual cycle at time of surgery, we analyzed the expressio
n of some markers associated with tumor aggressiveness, such as the hormone
receptors, HER2, p53, Bcl2, and cathepsin D in breast carcinomas obtained
from 198 premenopausal women who underwent surgery during different phases
of the menstrual cycle. HER2 overexpression was found to fluctuate in hormo
ne receptor-positive tumors. In actual fact, 20% of the tumors removed duri
ng the follicular phase scored HER2-positive, versus 8% of those removed du
ring the luteal phase. Similarly, a number of hormone receptor-positive tum
or specimens, obtained from the same patients during follicular and luteal
phases, were scored HER2-positive when the sample was removed during the fo
llicular phase and HER2-negative when removed in the luteal phase, Southern
blot analysis of the HER2 gene indicated that, in hormone receptor-positiv
e cases, the overexpression of HER2 is often not associated or with gene am
plification. The finding that overexpression of the HER2 gene, associated w
ith tumor aggressiveness, can fluctuate according to the hormonal milieu ma
y explain the increased survival of patients operated during the luteal pha
se. It is also relevant to the selection and treatment of patients most lik
ely to benefit from anti-HER2 antibody therapy.