Stromal-cell derived factor or SDF-1 is a CXC chemokine constitutively expr
essed by stromal bone marrow cell cultures that binds to the G-protein-coup
led receptor CXCR4, SDF-1/CXCR4 represents a unique, nonpromiscuous ligand/
receptor pair that plays an essential role in prenatal myelo- and lymphopoi
esis as well as in cardiovascular and neural development. SDF-1 prevents en
try of CXCR4-dependent (X4) HIV viruses in T lymphocytes, by binding and in
ternalizing CXCR4. The expression pattern of SDF-1 protein in normal tissue
s is not known. Here we describe an analysis of SDF-1 mRNA and protein in n
ormal and inflamed skin by in situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry,
using a novel anti-SI)F-l monoclonal antibody. We also describe the express
ion pattern of CXCR4 receptor by immunohistochemistry. Our results show tha
t SDF-1 protein and mRNA are normally expressed by endothelial cells, peric
ytes, and either resident or explanted CD1a+ dendritic cells. Epithelial ce
lls of sweat glands but not keratinocytes also express SDF-1. In various in
flammatory skin diseases, a large number of mononuclear cells and fibroblas
ts in close contact with CXCR4-positive lymphocytic infiltrates also expres
s SDF-1. CXCR4 was also detected in many different normal cell types, inclu
ding endothelial and epithelial cells, which points to a role for SDF-1/CXC
R4 cell signaling in vascular and epithelial homeostasis, The demonstration
of SDF-1 expression in dendritic and endothelial cells provides new insigh
ts into the mechanisms of normal and pathological lymphocyte circulation an
d makes it possible to envisage a role for locally secreted SDF-1 in the se
lective incapacity of mucosal dendritic cells to support and propagate infe
ction by X4 HIV isolates.