Introduction: Transvaginal puncture for oocyte retrieval is a short-lasting
but painful procedure. We hypothesized that a sole infusion of the ultra-s
hort acting mu-agonist remifentanil may be a suitable and well-controllable
single-agent analgesic technique that can dose-dependently be applied to s
pontaneously breathing patients. Methods: Fifty consenting adult women were
enrolled in this prospective trial. A sedative premedication was omitted,
all patients received 3 L/min of inhaled oxygen, and a sole remifentanil in
fusion was started with 0.25 mu g/kg/min. Remifentanil was adjusted as need
ed for pain relief (in steps of 0.05 mu g/kg/min) and finished after the la
st puncture. Dosage requirements, vita I functions, oxygen saturation (as a
chieved by pulse oximetry, psO(2)), adverse drug effects and the level of s
edation (LOS 1-5; 1 = asleep/unarousable, 4 = calm/awake) were recorded. Re
mifentanil plasma concentrations were achieved by STANPUMP pharmacokinetic
simulation. Data are presented as mean+/-SD.
Results: A total of 50 women (31.8+/-5.1 yr, 67.3+/-14.3 kg, ASA I or II)we
re investigated. Follicular aspiration lasted 10.8+/-5.2 min, and remifenta
nil was infused for 19.7+/-8.3 min. Dosage requirements were 0.25 mu g/kg/m
in in 70% of all patients, 0.3 mu g/kg/min in 22%, 0.2 mu g/kg/min in 6%, a
nd 0.4 mu g/kg/min in 2% of all cases. Vital signs (baseline, after 1(st) p
uncture, end of surgery) nearly remained unchanged: heart frequency = 85+/-
15, 87+/-17, 90+/-17 bpm, systolic blood pressure=129+/-12,132+/-13, 131+/-
14 mmHg; respiratory rate=15+/-3, 16+/-4, 15+/-4 breaths/min; psO(2)=99+/-1
, 99+/-1, 99+/-2%. LOS was 4.0 (all), 3.9+/-0.3, 3.9+/-0.3. Remifentanil pl
asma concentrations were 5.0+/-1.3 ng/ml at the start, 6.6+/-1.3 at the end
of surgery and 1.2+/-0.5 at PACU arrival. Adverse drug effects:54% itching
, no muscle rigidity. 94% of all women would choose this technique again.
Conclusions:The sole infusion of remifentanil is a suitable and satisfying
single-agent monitored anaesthesia care technique for oocyte retrieval. How
ever, close anaesthetic observation - especially of the respiratory functio
n - is mandatory.