A system-based model is proposed to describe and simulate the ultrasound si
gnal backscattered by red blood cells (RBCs). The model is that of a space-
invariant linear system that takes into consideration important biological
tissue stochastic scattering properties as well as the characteristics of t
he ultrasound system. The formation of the ultrasound signal is described b
y a convolution integral involving a transducer transfer function, a scatte
rer prototype function, and a function representing the spatial arrangement
of the scatterers. The RBCs are modeled as nonaggregating spherical scatte
rers, and the spatial distribution of the RBCs is determined using the Perc
us-Yevick packing factor. Computer simulations of the model are used to stu
dy the power backscattered by RBCs as a function of the hematocrit, the vol
ume of the scatterers, and the frequency of the incident wave (2-500 MHz).
Good agreement is obtained between the simulations and theoretical and expe
rimental data for both Rayleigh and non-Rayleigh scattering conditions. In
addition to these results, the renewal process theory is proposed to model
the spatial arrangement of the scatterers, The study demonstrates that the
system-based model is capable of accurately predicting important characteri
stics of the ultrasound signal backscattered by blood. The model is simple
and flexible, and it appears to be superior to previous one- and two-dimens
ional simulation studies.