Tachyarrhythmias of the heart can be due to the presence of one or more spi
ral waves of electrical activity. Spiral waves were simulated using a previ
ously described ionic model of cardiac action potentials in a 75 x 75 netwo
rk of compartments. The compartments were connected by means of resistors a
nd made isotropic in order to catch basic properties of spiral waves. The c
ross-field stimulation technique was used to generate single or double spir
al waves. The analysis showed that a spiral wave was created when the secon
d excitation front became critically curved, in the wake of the preceding w
ave, so that decremental propagation occurred. A spiral wave could also be
generated from a wave circulating around an obstacle when the obstacle size
was suddenly reduced. The spiral waves steadily circled around an area wit
h excitable but unexcited cells. An undisturbed spiral wave in the isotropi
c medium circled around in a stable pathway, but drifted along the borders
of cells made non-excitable. An excitation within an existing spiral wave c
ould generate new spiral naves that interacted with each other and formed c
omplex excitation patterns. A sudden prolongation of the refractory period
reduced the central area with unexcited cells in the spiral pathway but onl
y slightly prolonged the revolution time. A further prolongation of the ref
ractory period extinguished the spiral wave when the tip of the spiral wave
invaded refractory areas. The described ionic compartment model could accu
rately produce spiral waves with properties in line with experimental resul
ts reported by others.