Pharmacologic stress echocardiography has gained widespread popularity in r
ecent years because it is more feasible for the patient and less technicall
y demanding for the echocardiographer than exercise stress testing. The two
most popular pharmacologic stresses are dobutamine and dipyridamole. These
agents provide similar prognostic value and diagnostic accuracy for angiog
raphically assessed coronary artery disease; dobutamine has marginally high
er sensitivity in single-vessel disease, and dipyridamole has marginally hi
gher specificity in patients with normal coronary arteries. Both stresses a
re safe, but a physician should always be in attendance when they are admin
istered: Life-threatening reactions can occur in one of 300 to 500 cases wi
th dobutamine and in one of 700 to 1500 cases with dipyridamole, For dipyri
damole and dobutamine echocardiography, outcome data are available from mul
ticenter, international, observational, prospective studies, such as the EP
IC (Echo Persantine International Cooperative) and EDIC (Echo Dobutamine in
ternational Cooperative) studies. (C) 1999 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, I