Topic of the study: In 1994 more than 50,000 children under 15 years were i
nvolved In a road accident in Germany. About one third of them received maj
or injuries and 431 children died, These data obviously show the importance
of multiple trauma in children in a developed country.
Methods: Between 1985 and 1990, 64 multi-traumatized children were evaluate
d after receiving treatment at: the Aachen University Hospital, If: was pos
sible to evaluate 66% of the patients at the follow-up examination after 1
and 5 years, The results have been measured with the ALOS (Aachen long-term
outcome score) and the GOS (Glasgow outcome score) in relation to the degr
ee of trauma.
Own results: 12.5% died mainly From the effects of a cerebral injury. 25% d
eveloped different complications. Again the effects of craniocerebral traum
a determined the long-term outcome, All other injuries can be managed by ag
gressive treatment. without major consequences,
Conclusions: In multi-traumatized children, craniocerebral trauma is the ke
y injury regarding both lethality and longterm outcome. Therefore, preventi
on is of primary importance, Aggressive treatment of thoracic and abdominal
trauma can usually help to cure completely these injuries, Especially oste
osynthetic procedures, exerting little strain and performed as appropriate
for children, have made injuries of the limbs less critical.