Several studies suggest that leptin modulates hypothalamic-pituitary-gonada
l axis functions. Leptin may stimulate release of gonadotrophin releasing h
ormone (GnRH) from the hypothalamus and of gonadotrophins from the pituitar
y, A synchronicity of luteinizing hormone (LH) and leptin pulses has been d
escribed in healthy women and in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome,
suggesting that leptin may modulate the episodic secretion of LH. However,
it has not been established whether LH regulates the episodic secretion of
leptin, To further examine LH-leptin interactions, we studied the episodic
fluctuations of circulating LH and leptin in two patients with Kallmann's
syndrome (KS) before and on day 7 of pulsatile GnRH administration, and com
pared these with those observed in the early follicular phase of 10 regular
ly menstruating women divided into two control groups according to the body
mass index of each patient. To assess episodic hormone secretion, blood sa
mples were collected at 10 min intervals for 6 h, before and on day 7 of Gn
RH administration in KS patients, and during days 3-7 of the follicular pha
se in normally cycling women, LH and leptin concentrations were measured in
all samples. For pulse analysis, the cluster algorithm was used. Before tr
eatment, an apulsatile pattern with no endogenous LH pulsations was observe
d in both KS patients. However, leptin pulses were assessed in both women,
During GnRH administration, pulsatile LH activity was achieved in both pati
ents with pulse characteristics similar to those of the respective control
group, Serum leptin concentrations and leptin pulsatile patterns were not m
odified, These results suggest that circulating leptin is probably not modu
lated by putsatile GnRH-LH secretion.