Polycystic ovaries (PCO) are highly prevalent in women presenting with hirs
utism or recurrent miscarriage but the functional significance of PCO in ov
ulatory women presenting with infertility remains unclear. We examined the
prevalence of PCO, on ultrasonography, among women presenting with infertil
ity. Among 289 couples classified in four main diagnostic categories, PCO w
ere found in 81 (83%) of 98 anovulatory patients, 40 (53%) of 76 patients w
hose partners had sperm dysfunction, 26 (50%) of 52 patients with tubal dis
ease and in 28 (44%) of 63 patients with unexplained infertility, By compar
ison, in a control group of 67 parous volunteers, 19 (28%) were found to ha
ve PCO, PCO patients with unexplained infertility had higher midfollicular
luteinizing hormone and testosterone compared with the group with normal ov
aries. The prevalence of PCO was significantly higher in each of the infert
ility groups than in controls, and a similar tendency (not significant) was
observed among women with unexplained infertility, Ovulatory PCO women wit
h infertility had higher testosterone concentrations in comparison with PCO
controls. In summary, the prevalence of PCO among ovulatory women with inf
ertility is higher than that in the normal population, suggesting that PCO
may, perhaps by virtue of an effect of hyperandrogenaemia, contribute to th
e causes of subfertility in women with regular menses.