beta Lyr is an enigmatic object. Despite several decades of concentrat
ed observational and theoretical effort, our understanding of the syst
em is still rather poor. We discuss two existing structural models of
the system, the massive torus model of Wilson (1981), and the low mass
accretion disk model of Hubeny and Plavec (1991). In particular, we a
nswer recent criticism of the low mass disk model expressed by the pro
ponents of the massive disk hypothesis. We show that although both the
ories have a large degree of internal consistency, there are several s
erious physical objections against the massive disk model. In particul
ar, such a model requires unrealistically low viscosity (large Reynold
s number). Moreover, such massive disk is likely to be dynamically uns
table. Finally, we propose several observational and theoretical appro
aches that could lead to construction of a more physically realistic m
odel of the beta Lyr system.