Surgical procedures can be performed and monitored in operating rooms physi
cally isolated, but electronically linked to a parent medical center, and c
ertainly from distant consultation. Quality of surgical care has been measu
red in retrospect rather than in real time, and outcomes have generally not
had the benefit of immediate consultation and group analysis. However, tel
emedicine can connect consultants, surgeons, patients, and databases. The Y
ale Telemedicine Center has developed network schemes, which connect the OR
of trainees with the laboratory of the teacher, and has opened a continuum
between pedagogy and product. The program has connected regional hospitals
, connected components of hospital systems, and has been used in internatio
nal testbeds. The particular operative procedures studied have been laparos
copic procedures. The consultant is based at Yak and is connected with the
distant OR to share the laparoscopic surgical field. Connection includes re
al time video, audio and the ability to draw instruction on the OR screen.
Bandwidths as low as 12kbs(POTS) have been employed with modification with
effective intervention. The potential for quality improvement is substantia
l, and inclusion in quality programs is strongly recommended.