This paper describes the theoretical concept behind, the technical implemen
tation of, and the experiences created with a self-developed system to acce
ss radiological patient data by WWW-technology. Materials and Methods: The
WWW-system interfaces the RIS via HL7 and the PACS via DICOM. Core componen
ts are a secure Web-Server and an underlying database system (DB). The DB c
ontains all relevant information from the RIS and thumbnails of correspondi
ng images archived in the PACS. After authorisation, the user receives this
information in the form of dynamically generated Web pages. By mouse-click
ing a thumbnail, the original DICOM-image is sent. It is displayed with a h
elper application (DICOM-Viewer), allowing all kinds of image manipulation
and post-processing. Results: Determined advantages of the system were: pla
tform independence, security features, a fixed link of image and report, un
iversal availability, and simple usage. The only critical issue was perform
ance. Cost savings could be seen in: a reduction of DICOM workstations, emp
loyment of all available hardware, and reduced training and teaching effort
s. Conclusions: The author believes that a WWW-based concept is the only fe
asible approach which is in the same way technically possible, clinically a
cceptable, and financially affordable in order to grant a variety of users
access to radiological data- although improvements in performance have to m
ade by, e.g., closer implementation of those systems to the RIS and PACS ar
chitecture, and by employing high-grade image compression.