Intramuscular microstimulation was used to evaluate the mechanical properti
es of 6 different neuromuscular compartments of four adult rabbit masseter
muscles. Single compartment stimulation was verified by simultaneous multic
hannel electromyographic recordings. A multi-axis force-moment sensor was u
sed to measure evoked reaction forces at the mandibular symphysis, and thes
e records were used to determine the magnitude and directions of the torque
s produced about the ipsilateral temporomandibular joint. The magnitude of
the resultant torque vector differed between compartments. The most superfi
cial compartments of the superficial masseter (MSS1a, MSS1p) produced the l
argest torques, and compartments of the superficial masseter lying more cau
dal, such as MSS3, produced the smallest torques. The rise time of this vec
tor was shortest for the posterior deep masseter (MPPo) compartment and lon
gest for compartment MSS1a. The directions of the torque vectors of differe
nt compartments varied considerably. Torque vectors of deep compartments su
ch as MPPo, and the pars reflexa of the superficial masseter (MSPR) produce
d significant yaw torques toward the working masseter but very small lingua
l roll torques. Torque vectors from superficial compartments such as MSS1 c
ontain larger lingual roll components and smaller working yaw components. T
hese observations are consistent with the hypothesis that neuromuscular com
partments of the rabbit masseter muscle form output elements in the neural
control of masticatory movements.