Prior research into eversional control in running has reported the occurren
ce of calcaneal slipping, defined as the difference between calcaneal and h
eel counter eversion within the shoe. Inadequate heel fit has been proposed
to explain the observed slippage. Therefore, the purpose of the current st
udy was to investigate whether eliminating excess space around the calcaneu
s by narrowing the heel counter or by introducing heel inserts could minimi
ze eversional slipping of the calcaneus within the shoe and, in so doing, i
mprove eversion control of the calcaneus. Three-dimensional rearfoot kinema
tics of 20 subjects running on a treadmill at 3.8 m (.) s(-1) were recorded
using a three-camera Vicon movement analysis system. ANOVA analyses of the
angular displacement data revealed a significant (p < .05) reduction in ma
ximal eversion of the calcaneus in shoes with a narrower heel fit though th
e heel counter of the same shoes displayed more eversion than their wider c
ounterparts. Calcaneal eversion in the shoes with a wider heel counter, how
ever, could be reduced significantly (p < .05) using heel inserts. Maximal
relative eversion (referenced to the value at heel strike) and eversional v
elocity were only affected by the heel inserts, the latter however, not sig
nificantly All these results show that heel fit affects the eversional beha
vior of the calcaneus during ground contact and that running shoes equipped
with a rigid heel counter will improve rearfoot control, thus only reducin
g the risk for overload injuries If a snug heel fit used.