Deficiency of protein G(s) (Gs; OMIM no.103580), the stimulatory regulator
of adenylyl cyclase, is associated with resistance to PTH and other hormone
s, sc calcifications, short stature, and skeletal defects (Albright's hered
itary osteodystrophy). It is caused by heterozygous loss of function mutati
ons in GNAS1, the gene encoding the alpha-subunit of G(s). Obesity is a cla
ssical feature of patients with G(s) deficiency, but the mechanism leading
to fat accumulation has not been elucidated. We measured glycerol flux, usi
ng a nonradioactive tracer dilution approach, to analyze the lipolytic resp
onse to epinephrine in 6 patients with G(s) deficiency and PTH resistance a
nd compared it to six age-matched normal controls and nine massively obese
children. Basal glycerol production was reduced by 50%, and lipolytic respo
nse to epinephrine was reduced by 67%, in G(s)-deficient children, as compa
red with controls. The degree of impairment of lipolysis was similar in G(s
)-deficient children who were only moderately overweight and in morbidly ob
ese children. These findings extend the spectrum of hormonal resistance in
G(s) deficiency. Besides beta-adrenergic receptors, G(s) protein itself sho
uld be examined as a possible step involved in the decreased lipolysis obse
rved in common obesity.