Biocontrol activity against Fusarium moniliforme was analyzed for a Trichod
erma viride strain isolated from root segments of corn plants grown in Pied
mont Georgia. The isolate suppressed radial extension of F. moniliforme col
onies during cocultivation on potato dextrose agar and fumonisin B-1 (FB1)
production during incubation of both fungi on corn kernels. T. viride decre
ased radial extension of F. moniliforme by 46% after 6 days and by 90% afte
r 14 days. Furthermore, the colony diameter of F. moniliforme was less at 1
4 days than at 5 days, suggesting that F. moniliforme mycelia were undergoi
ng lysis. FB1 production by F. moniliforme on corn kernels decreased by 85%
when both organisms were inoculated the same day onto corn kernels and by
72% when inoculation of T. viride was delayed by 7 days after F. moniliform
e inoculation. These results are the first to demonstrate that T. viride ca
n suppress FB1 production by F. moniliforme, thereby functioning to control
mycotoxin production. Thus, this isolate may be useful in biological contr
ol to inhibit F. moniliforme growth as a preharvest agent to prevent diseas
e during plant development and/or as a postharvest agent during seed storag
e to suppress FB1 accumulation when kernels are dried inadequately.