The integration of lipid metabolism in the splanchnic bed and in subcutaneo
us adipose tissue before and after ingestion of a 75 g glucose load was stu
died by Fick's principle in seven healthy subjects. Six additional subjects
were studied during a hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp. Release of non-es
terified fatty acids (NEFA) from adipose tissue and splanchnic NEFA extract
ion followed a similar timecourse after oral glucose, and there was a highl
y significant relationship between adipose tissue NEFA release and splanchn
ic NEFA uptake. There was no immediate inhibition of splanchnic very low de
nsity lipoprotein (VLDL)-triacylglycerol (TAC) output when plasma insulin l
evels increased after glucose, Adipose tissue extraction of VLDL-TAG tended
to vary in time in a manner similar to splanchnic VLDL-TAG output and the
two were significantly related. The area-under-curves (AUC) for splanchnic
extraction of NEFA was significantly lower than that for output of VLDL, im
plying depletion of hepatic TAG stores during the experiment. In the hyperi
nsulinemic clamp experiments, there was on average suppression of splanchni
c VLDL-TAG output although between-person variability was marked, This supp
ression could be explained by a very low supply of NEFA during the clamp.jl
r We conclude that there is an integrated pattern of metabolism in splanchn
ic and adipose tissues in the postabsorptive and post-glucose states, Flux
of NEFA from adipose tissue drives splanchnic NEFA uptake, Splanchnic VLDL-
TAG secretion appears to be regulated by a number of factors and in turn co
ntrols TAG extraction in adipose tissue. Insulin does not seem to play a ke
y role in the acute regulation of hepatic VLDL metabolism under these parti
cular conditions in vivo.