Higher-generation Schrodinger cat states of the quantized electromagnetic f
ield can be produced in a high-Q cavity, starting from a coherent state, th
rough the passage of prepared Rydberg atoms interacting dispersively across
it. These states are natural generalizations of the even and odd coherent
states, the Nth-generations corresponding to specific superpositions of 2(N
) states on a circle in phase space with well defined parity, and present v
ery peculiar properties. Their photon statistics interchange between super-
and sub-Poissonian behaviours and the nature of the photon bunching oscill
ates as the field intensity in the cavity is varied. For higher-generation
even states, the minimum value of the Mandel factor almost reaches -1.0 and
the state represents the Fock state \2(N)]. Squeezing properties and the W
igner function of these higher-generation Schrodinger cat states are also c