Objectives: The reliability of practicing dentists' classifications of: pat
ients' caries risk and periodontal disease risk and reason for treatment fo
r individual teeth were determined, The risk classification protocols had b
een in use in a group practice for more than a year, and the reason-for-tre
atment protocol had been introduced six months previously. Methods: Eight d
entists' classifications for caries (n=66) and periodontal disease risk (n=
66), and six dentists' classifications for reason for treatment (n=73) were
compared to those of a nominal standard examiner. Reliability was expresse
d as percent agreement and kappa values. Results: Percent agreement was 76
percent, 83 percent, and 74 percent for caries, periodontal disease, and re
ason for treatment, respectively, with kappa values of 0.56, 0.70, and 0.60
. Conclusions: Dentists can attain reasonable levels of reliability using s
imple classification protocols with little formal training, although miscla
ssification may be problematic for specific administrative or research-rela
ted purposes.