Requirements for factorable nonlinear shear relaxation moduli were investig
ated using a series of entangled polystyrene/diethylphthalate solutions. Po
lymer solutions were formulated to maintain fixed entanglement spacing over
a broad range of polymer molecular weights, 7 < N/N-e < 90, 1.3X10(5) < ph
i M-w < 1.6X10(6). For all polymers studied, a separability time lambda(k)
was identified beyond which step shear relaxation moduli could be factorize
d into separate strain and time-dependent functions. In every case, lambda(
k) exceeded the most optimistic estimates for the longest Rouse relaxation
time tau(Rouse) , in some cases by as much as 2 orders of magnitude. lambda
(k) was also found to scale nearly as strongly with polymer molecular weigh
t as the terminal relaxation time and limiting shear viscosity. These resul
ts provide convincing evidence against a Rouse origin for the separability
criterion in entangled polymer liquids, and could help explain previous exp
erimental observations of "delayed" factorability and/or nonfactorable rela
xation moduli in well entangled polymer liquids. The experimental findings
are discussed in the context of a modified tube model that takes into accou
nt tube deformation in flow. (C) 1999 The Society of Rheology. [S0148-6055(