The purposes of this study were to (1) identify the clusters of symptoms wo
men experience during the premenstruum, (2) assess the reliability of the s
ymptom clusters as reported by a population-based sample and a sample of wo
men with three perimenstrual symptom patterns, (3) compare the levels of se
verity for the symptom clusters across menstrual cycle phases and by sympto
m patterns (e.g,, premenstrual syndrome [PMS] vs, low severity), and (4) es
timate the stability of the symptom cluster rankings across three menstrual
cycle phases. Data from a cross-sectional population-based sample and a co
mparative sample of women screened for low-severity (LS), PMS, and premenst
rual magnification (PMM) symptom patterns were analyzed using factor analys
is, correlation coefficients, multivariate analysis of variance, and reliab
ility and stability coefficients. Four symptom clusters accounted for >40%
of the variance: turmoil, fluid retention, somatic symptoms, and arousal sy
mptoms. Alpha (a) levels were >.70 for turmoil and fluid retention. None of
the symptom clusters had correlations with other factors that exceeded cu
levels for sample 2. Symptom cluster scores varied by cycle phase and group
(LS, PMS, PMM). Arousal and somatic symptoms were the most stable of the s
ymptom clusters across cycle phases, and fluid retention and turmoil sympto
ms were less stable.