Computed tomographic images, nondestructive evaluation of materials of cera
mics, electrical insulators, wood and other samples obtained using a new to
mographic system based on an image intensifier replacing earlier system (Ce
sareo et al,, Nucl. Instr, and Meth. A 356 (1995) 573). It consists of a ch
arge coupled device camera and an acquisition board. The charge coupled dev
ice and the acquisition board allows image processing, filtration and resto
ration. A reconstruction programme, written in PASCAL is able to give the r
econstruction matrix of the linear attenuation coefficients, and simulates
the matrix and the related tomography. The flux emitted by the tube is filt
ered using appropriate filters at chosen energy and reasonable monochromacy
is achieved for all the images. The effect of collimators is also studied
at various energies with filters and the optimum value is used for better i
mage quality. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.