The reflective properties of different types of dinoflagellate eyespots wer
e investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy in the epireflectio
n contrast mode. Although the eyespots studied differed with respect to loc
alization (cytosol or plastid) and organization of the globule layer(s), al
l types effectively absorbed and reflected blue-green laser light (principa
l lines of 488/514 nm). The relative orientation of the eyespot surface tow
ards the light source strongly influenced the reflective properties. Maxima
l reflection occurred when the eyespot surface was approximately perpendicu
lar to the light source and rapidly decreased at increasing angles of light
incidence. Horizontal and vertical optical sectioning of live and fixed ce
lls resolved differences in the reflection patterns. Focusing of reflected
light on the basal portion of the longitudinal flagellum was observed for t
he cytosolic eyespot of Glenodinium sp. and the triple membrane-bounded eye
spot of Peridinium foliaceum, presumably a vestige of a host plastid. This
flagellum is thought to be mainly involved in mediating orientational movem
ent responses. In contrast, the reflection patterns obtained from the eyesp
ot of Woloszynskia pascheri, which represents the third and most commonly o
bserved dinoflagellate eyespot type within a plastid, point to only minor f
ocusing. Reflection signals could be followed a considerable distance into
the sulcus in all cases, indicating that in dinoflagellate eyespots, irresp
ective of the presumed receptor location (plasma membrane overlying the eye
spot and/or the basal part of the longitudinal flagellum), back reflection
of non-absorbed light can enhance the excitation probability of the photore
ceptor(s). Such a combined reflection/absorption screen allows maximal cont
rast modulation and will, in conjunction with the specialized geometry of t
he dinoflagellate eyespots, increase the directionality of these eyespot ap
paratuses considerably.