Rationale: Tolerance to delay of gratification. taken to reflect impulsiven
ess; has been proposed to be under the preferential control of central sero
tonin (5-HT) processes. Objective: The present study further examined the e
ffects of drugs which directly or indirectly alter 5-HT transmission, on be
haviour controlled by a delayed positive reinforcer. Methods: Rats were giv
en the choice in a T-maze between two magnitudes of reward: small (two food
pellets) and immediate versus large (ten pellets) but delayed. When a 15-s
waiting period was imposed in the arm leading to the large reward, rats se
lected this arm on 65-70% of the trials. This frequency was reduced to less
than 40% when the large reward was delayed by 25 s. Results: In rats whose
ascending 5-HT pathways had been lesioned by infusion of 5,7-dihydroxytryp
tamine (5,7-DHT) into the dorsal raphe, the introduction of the 15-s delay
contingency resulted in a transient larger reduction of the frequency of ch
oice of the now-delayed reward, compared to sham operated controls. In cont
rast, choice behaviour of rats given 5,7-DHT into the substantia nigra did
not differ from controls. para-Chlorophenylalanine (pCPA, 150 mg/kg IP, dai
ly for 3 days), a 5-HT synthesis inhibitor, bretazenil (0.5-8 mg/kg IP), a
benzodiazepine (BZD) receptor partial agonist. and muscimol (0.25-1 mg/kg L
P), a GABA(A) receptor agonist, induced a shift toward immediate reward. In
contrast to the other BZDs, alprazolam (1-2 mg/kg IP) enhanced the frequen
cy of choice of the large-but-25 s-delayed reward. Similar increased prefer
ence for the large-but-delayed reward was induced by the selective 5-HT reu
ptake inhibitors, fluoxetine (4-8 mg/kg IP) and fluvoxamine (4 mg/kg IP). T
he full 5-HT1A receptor agonist, 8-OH-DPAT (0.015-0.5 mg/kg IP) enhanced th
e frequency of choice of the large reward delayed by 25 s, whereas the part
ial agonists, buspirone (1-4 mg/kg IP)I ipsapirone (0.5-1 mg/kg IP) and MDL
73005EF (1-2 mg/kg SC), and the antagonist, WAY 100635 (4 mg/kg SC), reduc
ed the number of choices of the large reward delayed by 15 s. Unexpectedly,
WAY 100635 (2 mg/kg). which had no effect on choice whatever the delay, di
d not counteract the increased tolerance to delay induced by 8-OH-DPAT (0.0
6 mg/kg) and further reduced the frequency of choice of the large-but-15 s-
delayed reward induced by ipsapirone (0.5 mg/kg). Conclusions: These effect
s on tolerance to delay may be accounted for by a subtle balance between th
e opposing functional consequences of pre- versus post-synaptic 5-HT1A rece
ptor activation or blockade. Overall, the present results provide further s
upport to the idea that 5-HT processes participate in the control of impuls
ive-related behaviour, as assessed from tolerance to delay of reward in thi
s particular T-maze procedure.