Two teleconnection indices, discussed in Part I, i.e. the Tropical-wide Osc
illation Index (TOI) and the Walker circulation Index (WAI), are applied to
the analysis of the ENSO-monsoon (El Nino Southern Oscillation-Asian monso
ons) system. The first hypothesis presented in Part I was that the TOI for
July-August-September (JAS) is closely related to the Indian summer monsoon
index as well as the Southern Oscillation Index. As a result, the TOI repr
esents the lead-lag characteristics of the tropical circulation variability
over the eastern hemisphere (45 degrees E-170 degrees E) and simultaneousl
y its interaction with the ENSO over the equatorial Pacific. The second hyp
othesis was that there are two types of connection between the ENSO and Asi
an monsoons: type I with distinct connection in space and time, and type II
without connection. The WAI provides a measure for this connection. This i
dea is supported by comparisons of observed and model teleconnection struct
ures in Part I.
Part II investigates these relations further. Time-lag correlations are cal
culated between the key indices and atmospheric variables over the equatori
al Indo-Pacific Oceans. If type II years, derived by the WAI, are removed f
rom the 34-year time series, correlations between the TOI and these variabl
es increase appreciably, now showing clearly the biennial character. The an
alysis identifies a sequence of events involving biennial oscillation of th
e ENSO-monsoon system from approximately JAS(-1) to JAS(0), followed by int
ensification of the ENSO from JAS(0) to November-December-January(+1). The
ENSO-monsoon oscillation system is not sinusoidal but skewed.
To show the geographical patterns associated with the above sequence of eve
nts, planar maps are presented of the lag correlation between the observed
TOI(JAS) and (i) Vertical velocity at the 500 hPa level, (ii) precipitation
, (iii) sea surface temperature (SST), and (iv) atmospheric sea level press
ure. Distinct geographical distributions of the ENSO-monsoon oscillation em
erge in both the observations and model data. One pattern is characterized
by a horseshoe shape over the Pacific, which is generally symmetric around
the equator, but with geographical differences depending on location in the
lag sequence. The other pattern is a see-saw shape, primarily a standing o
scillation located in the eastern South Pacific and the Indian Oceans, rese
mbling the sea-level-pressure pattern found by Trenberth and Shea. Applying
the lead-lag relationship, it is demonstrated that the SST over the centra
l Pacific four months ahead can be projected, based on the TOI(JAS). Conver
sely, the intensity of the Indian monsoon rainfall for non-type II years ca
n be projected 15 months ahead by the SST over the eastern Pacific Ocean. T
his indicates that the ENSO-monsoon oscillation system is quasi-periodic, a
s opposed to irregular, with a two-year cycle; this is clearly revealed wit
h the removal of type II years.