The objectives for this longitudinal study were to: (a) compare colon cance
r patients' and their spouses' appraisal of illness, resources, concurrent
stress; and adjustment during the first year following surgery; (b) examine
the influence of gender (male vs female) and role (patient vs spouse careg
iver) on study variables; (c) assess the degree of correlation between pati
ents' and spouses' adjustments; and (d) identify factors that affect adjust
ment to the illness. Fifty-six couples were interviewed at one week post di
agnosis, and at 60 days and one year post surgery. Based on a cognitive-app
raisal model of stress, the Smilkstein Stress Scale was used to measure con
current stress; the Family APGAR, Social Support Questionnaire, and Dyadic
Adjustment Scale were used to measure social resources; the Beck Hopelessne
ss Scale and Mishel Uncertainty in Illness Scales were used to measure appr
aisal of illness; and the Brief Symptom Inventory and Psychosocial Adjustme
nt to Illness Scale were used to measure psychosocial adjustment. Repeated
Measures Analysis of Variance indicated that spouses reported significantly
more emotional distress and less social support than patients. Gender diff
erences were found, with women reporting more distress, more role problems,
and less marital satisfaction, regardless of whether they were patient or
spouse, Both patients and spouses reported decreases in their family functi
oning and social support, but also decreases in emotional distress over tim
e. Moderately high autocorrelations and modest intercorrelations were found
among and between patients' and spouses' adjustment scores over time. The
strongest predictors of patients' role adjustment problems were hopelessnes
s and spouses' role problems. The strongest predictors of spouses' role pro
blems were spouses' own baseline role problems and level of marital satisfa
ction. Interventions need to start early in the course of illness, be famil
y-focused, and identify the couples at risk of poorer adjustment to colon c
ancer. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.