An infant girl was born at 37 weeks gestation and found to be clinically th
yrotoxic at 9 months of age. Thyroid autoantibodies were negative, and thyr
oid function failed to normalize with medical treatment. The patient underw
ent a total thyroidectomy. DNA obtained from her thyroid gland and leukocyt
es was analyzed for thyrotropin receptor (TSHR) mutations using single stra
nd conformation polymorphism and direct sequencing. A mobility shift of pol
ymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified DNA was detected on single strand co
nformation polymorphism gel. Direct sequencing identified a novel point mut
ation in the fifth transmembrane domain of the TSH receptor at codon 597 (G
TC to CTC), resulting in the amino acid substitution of leucine for valine.
The mutation was heterozygous and germline, and was not identified in DNA
from either of her parents. Expression of the V597L mutant is transiently t
ransfected COS 7 cells displayed increased constitutive cyclic adenosine mo
nophosphate (cAMP) production compared with the wild-type receptor. The mut
ant is expressed at very low levels on the surface of COS cells, and its re
sponse to TSH is marginal.