The purpose of the present research was to assess if the Junque Leukoaraios
is scale (LA; Junque et al., 1990) can be associated with a unique pattern
of neuropsychological strengths and weaknesses. The LA is an interval scale
which measures subcortical white matter alterations (WMA). Using a series
of bivariate correlations, we found that as patients accumulated greater su
bcortical WMA, there was a disassociation with respect to performance on te
sts of memory and executive Functioning. High LA scores were associated wit
h better delayed recognition test performance, but poor performance on exec
utive control tasks. Similarly, as patients accumulated greater WMA, perfor
mance on semantic knowledge measures increased, where;ls performance on vis
uoconstruction and graphomotor function declined. In sum, this quantitative
measure of subcortical WMA is associated with a specific pattern of cognit
ive strengths and weaknesses independent of clinical diagnosis.