In etiological studies of renal cell carcinoma, the associations between ex
ogenous hormones, reproductive factors, or gynecological operations have no
t been well examined. Our aim was to evaluate gender-specific risk factors
for renal cell carcinoma using data from a population-based case-control st
udy conducted in Los Angeles, California and to elucidate possible underlyi
ng mechanisms. A population-based case-control study involving 422 female r
enal cell carcinoma patients, ages 25-74 years, and an equal number of sex-
, age-, and race-matched neighborhood controls was conducted in Los Angeles
, California. Detailed information regarding reproductive history, hysterec
tomy, use of exogenous estrogens, and other medical and lifestyle factors w
as collected through in-person interviews. Compared to women with an intact
uterus, those who had undergone hysterectomy were at an increased risk for
renal cell carcinoma (odds ratio, 1.8; 95% confidence interval, 1.3-2.5),
Parity and use of estrogen replacement therapy were no longer risk factors
for renal cell carcinoma when hysterectomy was adjusted for in the analysis
. No association between renal cell carcinoma and use of oral contraceptive
s was found. Limited epidemiological data do not support an endocrine expla
nation for the observed hysterectomy-renal cell cancer association. We conj
ecture that unintentional injury to the ureter during the surgical procedur
e, which results in renal cell damage and consequent renal cell proliferati
on, may be a cause of the increased cancer risk in hysterectomized women.