It has recently been shown that high-resolution C-13 nuclear magnetic reson
ance (NMR) spectroscopy is a technique which can provide valuable informati
on about the acyl distribution and acyl positional distribution (1,3-acyl a
nd 2-acyl) of glycerol tri-esters of different vegetable oils. It has also
been observed that many of the carbon atoms of alpha- and beta- acyl chains
in tri-acyl-glycerol show different C-13 NMR chemical shifts. However, pre
vious assignments of C-13 NMR spectra are either tentative or incomplete. T
hus, through a series of INADEQUATE experiments, we made a full assignment
of all C-13 resonances of glycerol tri-esters. We also noticed a strong con
centration dependence of the shifts of all resonances. Thus, in Vegetable o
ils, the full assignment of C-13 resonances must be made by progressive add
ition of known glycerol tri-esters. Following this method, we report a full
assignment of the C-13 spectra of seed and olive oils obtaining an accurat
e analysis of the acyl positional distribution (1,3-acyl and 2-acyl) of gly
cerol tri-esters. From the knowledge of the acyl positional distribution (1
,3-acyl and 2-acyl) of glycerol tri-esters interesting biochemical informat
ion can be achieved. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights rese