Seawater desalination by parallel feed multiple-effect evaporation has a si
mple layout in comparison with other multiple-effect or multistage desalina
tion systems. Several operating configurations are analyzed, including the
parallel flow (MEE-P), the parallel/cross flow (MEE-PC), and systems combin
ed with thermal (TVC) or mechanical (MVC) vapor compression. All models tak
e into account dependence of the stream physical properties on temperature
and salinity, thermodynamic losses, temperature depression in the vapor str
eam caused by pressure losses and the presence of non-condensable gases, an
d presence of the flashing boxes. Analysis was performed as a function of t
he number of effects, the heating steam temperature, the temperature of the
brine blowdown, and the temperature difference of the compressed vapor con
densate and the brine blowdown. Results are presented as a function of para
meters controlling the unit product cost, which include the specific heat t
ransfer area, the thermal performance ratio, the specific power consumption
, the conversion ratio, and the specific flow rate of the cooling water. Th
e thermal performance ratio of the TVC and specific power consumption of th
e MVC are found to decrease at higher heating steam temperatures. Also, an
increase of the heating steam temperature drastically reduces the specific
he;rt transfer area. Results indicate better performance for the MEE-PC sys
tem; however, the MEE-P has a similar thermal performance ratio and simpler
design and operating characteristics. The conversion ratio is found to dep
end on the: brine flow configuration and to be independent of the vapor com
pression mode.