R. Dasgupta et E. Fuchs, Multiple roles for activated LEF/TCF transcription complexes during hair follicle development and differentiation, DEVELOPMENT, 126(20), 1999, pp. 4557-4568
LEF/TCF DNA-binding proteins act in concert with activated beta-catenin, th
e product of Wnt signaling, to transactivate downstream target genes, To pr
obe the role of activated LEF/TCF transcription factor complexes in hair fo
llicle morphogenesis and differentiation, we engineered mice harboring TOPG
AL, a beta-galactosidase gene under the control of a LEF/TCF and beta-caten
in inducible promoter, In mice, TOPGAL expression was directly stimulated b
y a stabilized form of beta-catenin, but was also dependent upon LEF1/TCF3
in skin, During embryogenesis, TOPGAL activation occurred transiently in a
subset of LEF1-positive cells of pluripotent ectoderm and underlying mesenc
hyme, Downgrowth of initiated follicles proceeded in the absence of detecta
ble TOPGAL expression, even though LEF1 was still expressed, While prolifer
ative matrix cells expressed the highest levels of Lef1 mRNAs, LEF1 concent
rated in the precursor cells to the hair shaft, where TOPGAL expression was
co-induced with hair-specific keratin genes containing LEF/TCF-binding mot
ifs. LEF1 and TOPGAL expression ceased during catagen and telogen, but reap
peared at the start of the postnatal hair cycle, concomitant with precortex
formation, In contrast to hair shaft precursor cells, postnatal outer root
sheath expressed TCF3, but not TOPGAL, TCF3 was also expressed in the puta
tive follicle stem cells, and while TOPGAL was generally silent in this com
partment, it was stimulated at the start of the hair cycle in a fashion tha
t appeared to be dependent upon stabilization of beta-catenin, Taken togeth
er, our findings demonstrate that LEF1/TCF3 is necessary but not sufficient
for TOPGAL activation, revealing the existence of positive and negative re
gulators of these factors in the skin, Furthermore, our findings unveil the
importance of activated LEF/TCF complexes at distinct times in hair develo
pment and cycling when changes in cell fate and differentiation commitments
take place.