Pitx2 is a homeodomain transcription factor that is mutated in Rieger syndr
ome, a haploinsufficiency disorder affecting eyes and teeth. Pitx2 also has
a postulated role in left-right axis determination. We assessed the requir
ements for Pitx2 directly by generating hypomorphic and null alleles, Heter
ozygotes for either allele have eye abnormalities consistent with Rieger sy
ndrome. The ventral body wall fails to close in embryos homozygous for the
null allele, leaving the heart and abdominal organs externalized and the bo
dy axis contorted. In homozygotes for either allele, the heart tube undergo
es normal, rightward looping and the stomach is positioned normally. In con
trast, homozygotes for both alleles exhibit right isomerization of the lung
s. Thus, Pitx2 is required for left-right asymmetry of the lungs but not ot
her organs, Homozygotes for either allele exhibit septal and valve defects,
and null homozygotes have a single atrium proving that a threshold level o
f Pitx2 is required for normal heart development. Null homozygotes exhibit
arrest of pituitary gland development at the committed Rathke pouch stage a
nd eye defects including optic nerve coloboma and absence of ocular muscles
. This allelic series establishes that Pitx2 is required for the developmen
t of mulitple organs in a dosage-sensitive manner.