Riedel's thyroiditis is an uncommon disorder of unknown etiology that is ch
aracterized by an invasive fibrotic process that partially destroys the gla
nd and extends into adjacent neck structures. Its clinical manifestation as
a stony-hard, poorly defined enlargement over the thyroid gland and local
compression of the trachea, esophagus and recurrent laryngeal nerve can mim
ic invasive thyroid carcinoma. Because Riedel's thyroiditis is a self-limit
ing disease, its management should be conservative. However, invasive cance
r such as follicular carcinoma can occur in association with Riedel's thyro
iditis. Such a concurrence completely changes the focus of management. We r
eport a case of Riedel's thyroiditis that was found in a patient with a fol
licular carcinoma. The strategy of management is discussed together with a
review of the relevant literature.