CardioVision 2020 is a multidisciplinary project organized by the Mayo Clin
ic Division of Cardiovascular Diseases. The goal of the programme is to min
imize the population burden of cardiovascular disease for residents of Olms
ted County, MN, U.S.A., by promoting a tobacco-free environment, nutrition
habits that minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cance
r, and a physically active lifestyle. CardioVision 2020 will provide leader
ship and facilitate communication to optimize lifestyle choices, risk facto
r levels and clinical event rates. The lay and medical communities will be
provided with information about progress toward the CardioVision 2020 goals
, opportunities that might be taken to speed that progress, and encourageme
nt to adopt lifestyles that minimize the risk of cardiovascular disease. A
web-based community report card will be maintained; each resident will have
access to a personalized web-based expert system to support behaviour chan
ge. A. cardiovascular disease event simulation programme will be developed
to predict and communicate the impact of risk factor and disease treatment
changes in the community. A disease register and case-management system wil
l be implemented to assist in identification and treatment of patients with
heart disease. Three major campaigns will be launched in the first year: a
cholesterol-lowering challenge for parents of 5th grade students, a physic
al activity challenge for the entire population and a smoking cessation cha
llenge for tobacco users. Although each campaign has a different focus, all
emphasize the three main CardioVision 2020 goals. CardioVision 2020 will t
rack and report trends in total mortality, mortality from cardiovascular di
seases, coronary artery disease mortality, clinical events precipitated by
cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular risk factor levels and disease-relat
ed quality of life for residents of Olmsted County. Results will be compare
d with state-wide and national trends to gauge programme effectiveness.