Increased concentrations of serum cholesterol, and in particular low-densit
y lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, constitute the main risk factor for athero
sclerotic vascular diseases (ASVD). Dietary modification, increased physica
l activity, weight reduction in overweight people, and moderate alcohol con
sumption form the first line of treatment for hypercholesterolaemia. Combin
ing the cholesterol-lowering effect of foods containing plant stanol esters
with a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet makes it possible to achieve a clinic
ally significant additional reduction in serum cholesterol concentrations b
eyond that obtained with a low-fat diet alone. Based on recent studies, ser
um LDL cholesterol decreases by 18-24% with this approach. To achieve the o
ptimal cholesterol-lowering effect with foods containing stanol esters, con
sumers should be counselled about the principles of making healthy food cho
ices and appropriate use of food products containing plant stanol esters.