Drug metabolizing capacity is generally reduced in the elderly, and physica
l exercise has been reported to increase drug oxidative metabolism. The pur
pose of this investigation was to study the effects of engagement in a prog
ram of regular physical exercise on the clearance and metabolite excretion
of antipyrine, a marker of oxidative metabolism, in elderly subjects. The s
aliva clearance of antipyrine and the production clearances of antipyrine m
etabolites were studied in 37 elderly women (mean age 66 years). Subjects a
ttended 60-min sessions three times a week for 12 weeks. Each session consi
sted of both aerobic (training of cardiorespiratory capacity) and nonaerobi
c (training of muscular strength/ endurance and flexibility/coordination) e
xercises performed at 50-75% of maximum oxygen uptake. Antipyrine was admin
istered orally and pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from saliva and
urine samples. After 3 months of participation in the exercise program, sa
livary antipyrine clearance was significantly increased by 17% mean (SEM) 0
.42 (0.02) vs 0.36 (0.02) ml/min/ kg; P < 0.05) and the half-life of antipy
rine was significantly reduced by 18% (17.9 (1.1) vs 22.3 (1.3) h; P < 0.05
). No significant change with exercise was observed in the renal clearance
of antipyrine or in the norantipyrine formation clearance, but significant
increases were found for hydroxymethylantipyrine [42 (5) vs 32 (4) mu l/kg/
min; P < 0.05; +31%] and 4-hydroxyantipyrine [243 (18) vs 194 (17) mu l/kg/
min; P < 0.05; +25%] formation clearances. These findings indicate that reg
ular exercise leads to increased disposition of antipyrine in the elderly a
nd that the main metabolic pathways of the compound are changed differentia