Since body dissatisfaction is an essential part of anorexia/bulimia nervosa
, we wanted to assess the patients' body experience before and after intens
ive treatment. Body experience was studied in 290 eating disorder patients,
admitted to a specialised unit, after six months and again after one year
using the Body Attitude Test (BAT), the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI), an
d the Eating Disorder Evaluation Scale (EDES). The clearly negative body ex
perience of eating disorder patients evolved in a positive way after therap
y and this improvement lasted for up to one year after admission. EDI score
s and Body Mass Index at the time of admission appeared to be the strongest
predictors of the total BAT score at follow-up. Athough body dissatisfacti
on can be quite persistent in eating disorders, intensive treatment can sub
stantially improve the patients' body experience. (C) 1999 Editions scienti
fiques et medicales Elsevier SAS.