The cleavage pattern of the ancestor of the monophyletic taxon Clitellata i
s reconstructed. It resembles the complicated cleavage pattern of the gloss
iphoniid leeches in nearly every detail. This can be inferred from a compar
ison with the peculiar fish leech, Acanthobdella peledina, on the one hand,
and with several oligochaetes, like tubificids, enchytraeids and branchiob
dellids, on the other hand. The ancestral pattern has been profoundly alter
ed several times in leeches and in oligochaetes. Examples are hirudinids an
d erpobdellids as well as lumbricids and naidids. The alterations occur in
small eggs with little yolk which are nourished by the surrounding fluid wi
thin the cocoon. Comparisons with polychaetes lead to the conclusion that a
n early specification of the 2d cell must be a feature of the annelid ances
tor and that equal cleavage represents the derived case in the annelids.