Classic impedance microbiology (CM) is based on the measurement of the impe
dance components that appear between a pair of electrodes submerged in a ce
ll containing inoculated broth. Either a bipolar or a tetrapolar technique
can be applied, requiring about 1 x 10(3) to 3 x 10(7) cells/ml to produce
detectable changes in the impedance curves. Theoretical analysis of the ele
ctrode-electrolyte interface during bacterial growth is lacking, with no ge
nerally accepted measuring standards. Besides, there is considerable disagr
eement. We separated out the interface and medium components using the freq
uency variation technique (FVT) and also analyzed the interface reactance-r
esistance diagram, both before and after bacterial growth. Medium resistanc
e R-m, interface reactance X-i, and interface resistance R-i, were quantifi
ed as time functions growth curves, from the complex bipolar impedance seen
between two electrodes. We took into account the electrical current densit
y, the temperature and the associated circuitry, also explaining the theore
tical and experimental bases that justify the proposed dissecting procedure
. It was found that, within the working frequency range, R-m,R- R-i, and X-
i percental growth curves are frequency-independent, i.e., neither R-m(f),
nor X-i(f) nor R-i(f) changed their slopes before, during and after bacteri
al growth. Besides, no alpha-dispersion effect in R-m curves was detected.
It is concluded that impedance microbiology could become a fertile area for
interdisciplinary knowledge; its development might offer new avenues for b
asic and applied research.