The development of the lower incisor in the mouse was investigated from his
tological sections using computer-aided 3D reconstructions. At ED 13.0, the
incisor was still at the bud sta ge. At ED 13.5, the initial cap was delim
ited by a short cervical loop, the development of which proceeded on the la
bial side, but was largely retarded on the medial side. This difference was
maintained up to ED 15.0. From ED 16.0, the bell stage was achieved. Metap
hases had a ubiquitous distribution both in the enamel organ and in the den
tal papilla from the bud to early bell stage. Apoptosis gradually increased
in the mesenchyme posteriorly to the labial cervical loop from ED 13.5 to
14.0 and then disappeared; this apoptosis was not related to the posterior
growth of the incisor. From ED 13.5, a high apoptotic activity was observed
in the stalk. A focal area of apoptosis was observed at ED 13.5 in the ena
mel organ, approaching the epithelio-mesenchymal junction at the future tip
of the incisor. There,the inner dental epithelium formed a bulbous protrus
ion towards dental papilla, reminiscent of the secondary enamel knot of mou
se molars. This epithelial protrusion was still maintained at the bell stag
e. The ena mel knot in the incisor demonstrated specific features, differen
t from those characterizing the enamel knot in the molar: the concentric ar
rangement of epithelial cells was much less prominent and the occurrence of
apoptosis was very transitory in the incisor at ED 13.5. The disappearance
of the enamel knot despite a low apoptotic activity and the maintenance of
the protrusion suggested a histological reorganization specific for rodent